Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Assignment # 3: The Fountainhead
You're going to love this...

This assignment has 4 parts

1. Read The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

2. Respond to one of the following prompts in a 800-1600 word essay:

A. After the Stoddard trial, Dominique Francon marries Peter Keating. Given her love for the integrity of Howard Roark's buildings and person, why does she do this? What is she seeking from the marriage? How does her action of marrying Peter relate to her deeper convictions and conflicts?

B. In dynamiting Cortlandt Homes, Howard Roark breaks the law. What is his moral and philosophical argument for the rectitude of his action?

C. Choose the scene in The Fountainhead that is most meaningful to you. Analyze that scene in terms of the wider themes in the book.

3. Post your essay on your blog

4. Go to and submit your essay online.
* Make sure you include:
your name and address;
your e-mail address (if available);
the name and address of your school;
topic selected (#1, 2 or 3 from list above);
your current grade level; and
(optional) the name of the teacher who assigned the essay, if you are completing it for classroom credit.